Pastor Sermon Notes

Text: Gen 32:26

And he said, “Let me go, for the day breaketh”. And “he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me”.

CS Bible

Then he said to Jacob, “Let me go, for it is daybreak. “But Jacob said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.”


STORY: Subject: “Don’t give up”. (Don’t let them ware you out, you ware them out) Start 8am when they open up! “Don’t Give up Stay on the Line”.

**Genesis 25:19-29 The Birth of Jacob and Esau, Esau sells His Birthright: My Blessing Gen27:36

Gen 18:1 Isaacs, Rebeka, Essau, Jacob, Twins, hairy roughneess: Now Isaacs loved the elder.

Laban and Rebeka are brother and sister. Both having the same mother and father. Jacob meets his cousin-germans;

  1. daughter of Laban: After the seven years, he made the wedding-fast; and when it was night, without Jacob knows he put his other daughter into bed to him. Lea he had work for (7) seven and Rachel (7) years, Lea handmaid Zilpha and Rachel hand maid Biha. Now we see Caramel

After 20 years Jacob returns home. , Laban forewarned by Go in a Dream.

While I was thy sister’s son, and thou hadst given me thy daughters in marriage, thou hast worn me out with thy harsh commands, and detained me twenty years under them. (Cattle, white color, and black color. Were born numerous he did not keep his word with him).

Laban make a League with Jacob:

The Meeting of Jacob and Esau: Caramel Jacob must face

Jacob: Massager, Esau: Sends 400 Men, Jacob send Cattle, great number of four-footed beasts.

Jacob prepares to fight sending men in front and back of his family.


Jacob was left behind: and meeting with an angel, he wrestled:

  • Jacob prevailed over the angel
  • **Victory was a small one but he overcome a divine angel (a sign of great blessings) would be coming to him. He would be called Israel, one that struggled with the divine angel.
  • Jacob in Deep prayer as he (wrestled) of what about to happen to him.
  • The Angel disappeared after statement to Jacob.

There are times in our life even when Caramel comes back God will send an Angel for deliverance.
So it was the case in Jacob life.  Remember he was tricked by his uncle (Laban) for over 14 years.





Gen. 27:1-10 What happens with Esau and Jacob? Gen.  The stolen Blessing.
Gen. 25:29-34 Esau Sells His Birthright: 
Jacob sends his servant to Esau: Esau has 400 men to meet Jacob. 32:1-7
Partiality shown by Parents:  James 2:9 (favoritism, respect of persons, treat people 
according to their outward, and partiality) you commit sin.