Gideon Bible Study 2024




Zoom Bible Study January 10, 2024

Bible Study, Count up the Cost: Luke 14:25-35



Biography: is the life history of an individual, written by someone else. We have John writing about Jesus. Autobiography: the story of a person’s life, written by that person. We have men like Luke, Mark, Isaiah, Jeremiah,


12 Minor Prophets:

4 Major Prophets:


**WHERE YOU’RE BIBLE: Purchasing Biblical Books you want to see scriptures in the book.


Reading and Studying the Bible:

2 Tim. 3:16, Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and all Scripture is “profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. 2 Tim. 3:15-16, Study to shew you self approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Vs.17 so that the man of God may be complete equipped for every good work.


Christ is the incarnation of God: As we study the profound complexity of the nature of God as seen in both Old and New Testaments, we develop a clearer understanding of what He desires in our relationships to others and to Him.

Reading and Studying the Bible is sheer pleasure. The poetry, history, song, proverb, prophecy, letters, and apocalyptic literature of the Bible provide the reader great wonder and enjoyment.


Count up the Cost: Luke 14:25-35

Faith without Works is Dead, James 2:14;18-20


  • Vs.8 and 11th. When thou art bidden of any man to a wedding sit not down in the highest room. Vs 11th For whosoever exalted himself shall be abased humbleth himself shall be exalted.
  • Vs 12 call not your friends, kinsmen, or rich neighbors looking to be recompense. (This must be Spiritual lead). Mt. 26:11 you will always have the poor among you but you will not always have me.


Count up the Cost: Luke 14:25-28

  1. It's easy to be in the crowd, but not so easy to carry the Cross.  It doesn’t cost anything to be saved for salvation. But when it comes to being a discipleship, He wants only those who will pay the price. (FAITH WITH NO WORKS)
  • 16-20Vs. 18 Read and they all with one consent began to make excuse.
  • Vs. 23 And the Lord said unto the servant, go out into the highways.
  • Vs. 26 if any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, brother and sisters cannot be my disciple.



Gideon Zoom Sunday Message 01/14/2024

Count up the Cost


Text: Luke 14:25-35

Subject: Count up the Cost (No Cross No Crown)


Matt. 14:10 Ambitious and over Assertive:

Ambitious: having a desire to be successful powerful or famous. We desire to achieve and better than the Jones that we forget about the will of God in our life. We are at times to Assertive.

  1. Exalts himself will (fall) be humbled.
  2. He who humbles himself will be (elevated promoted) exalted.
  3. We are not in the will of God. I am after the pie in the sky. Matt. 6:33 But seek ye first the Kingdom of God. What do God have for me. Alexander the Great King of Macedonia and conquer of Persia (356) BC. He succeeded his father Phillip II and at the age of 20 spent most of his ruling years with lengthy military through Western Asia and Egypt. By the age of 30 he had created the largest empires in Greece to Northwestern India History. He sat down and cry because he had nothing left to conquer.


Matt14:12 when you give a Dinner:

  1. Do not ask your friends, relatives ect..
  2. You will not be repayed by them but by Godvs14 will repay you with a blessing


Matt. 14:22-30 how much are you willing to give up following Christ? You have faith in God. Have you Count the cost:

I know they’ve been saying Salvation is free and it is but it cost to be Disciples.

  • Look at: Salvation: Ro. 10:9. In the book of James 2:19 you believe that there is one God, You do well. Even the demons believe-and tremble! Vs20. But do you know O foolish man, that faith without works is dead? James states even the demons believe that much-and they tremble. One’s faith doesn’t deliver others from need the works do (James 2:16). Help the man. People say they are saved and don’t think of sharing the Gospel.

Discipleship Key Matt 14:12 It cost;

  1. you willing to lay your plans down and follow Christ on the Mission Work? Can you pull up Stakes Move where there’s not even a McDonald’s (Populations too small and no tourism) in town for your children. There are less than 1,000 tin towns. Count the cost of discipleship. His plan or my Plan or your plan is ok but His plan comes first. If you stay with His Plan: it will pay off.


January 17, 2024



Part Three: Count up the Cost

  1. When you count up the cost be aware of Pothole, Traumatic, and Trigger but you have the Power to overcome them. Trauma triggers can have a negative impact on your life. (PTSD)

When you crucified the flesh you crucify those trauma and pothole. If there not crucified daily they will pop up Dailey.


Are You, Following Jesus without a Commitment: It is easy to be in the crowd but not so easy to carry the cross? God wants everybody who will come; but when it comes to discipleship, He wants only those who will pay the price.


STORY: Sir. John Franklin and 138 men perished because they underestimated the requirements of Arctic (journey) Exploration.


They exchanged necessities for luxuries, and their ignorance led to their deaths.

STORY: Mother speaks after losing 9 family members on a Missouri duck boat and the Coleman family.


Discipleship Cost Gal. 5 Ch

Vs. 1: Set us Free from Sin.

Vs. 5:4 don’t try to go back, trying to be justified by the Law.

Vs.5:5 alienated from Christ, and have fallen from Grace. We have the Spirit, by Faith. How do we fall from Christ? Your Faith has made you hold.

  1. 5:7. you were running well. This year you are going to be running then all at once! Pothole will cause damage to your life and health. We think it’s just damaging to our Cars.


Zoom Bible Study


It Makes A Difference

Matt. 16:23

Gal. 5:7


Proverbs 12:5 the thoughts of the righteous are just,

Joshua 1:8b but thou shalt meditate therein day and night

Proverbs 23:7 for as he thinketh in his heart so is he

Psalms 139:23-24: Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my thoughts; and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”


That which molds and shapes a person’s life more than anything else is his thinking. More than riches, health, popularity, friends, and circumstances.

It Makes A Difference

What a big difference it makes If you think, WHAT you think of, and HOW you think of it. This makes such a radical (Growth) difference because one’s THINKING determines WHAT they BELIEVE and what one BELIEVES determines HOW THEY live.


What do you think about God?

  1. Are you aware that it was God who spoke the universe into existence?
  2. Who established the boundary of the Oceans?
  3. Who cause the flowers to bloom?


Were you aware that this same God, the God we rely upon, the God we trust in, the God we serve.

  1. Is Holy in His character
  2. Is omnipotent in His Power
  3. Is omniscient in His wisdom.
  4. Is omnipresent in His influence.


Do you realize I mean REALLY realize and understand that God, this loving, merciful, and gracious God, honestly and personally care for you?

  1. That God sees your every action
  2. That God hears every word you speak
  3. That God understands your feelings


It also make a big difference what you think about Jesus Christ, Do you realize..

  1. That Christ He is the Son of God
  2. That He is the Saviour of mankind
  3. That He can forgive the worst sinner
  4. That He can comfort the lonely
  5. That He can bless those who are burdened down with cares?


What you think about Jesus Christ, whether you realize it or not, is revealed.

  1. In how you accept or reject Him
  2. In how you trust or oppose Him


  1. you think about Jesus Christ will also make a difference, in how you face the your future.
  1. In how you conduct yourself each day.
  2. In how you treat your Neighbors
  3. In how you overcome temptation.


February 07, 2024

Matt. 16:1-28 (26)



**Giving to support the Ministry and Kingdom Building of God on Line.


Missing It! God is standing right before us and we are missing It. Man only sees the temporal worldly things in life.

  1. Pharisees and Sadducees approached and tested Jesus. (Together they stand)
  • The Weather Vs2
  • You can’t read the time signs of the times. Vs. 3
  1. No sign of today except the sign of Jonah. Vs 4 (Jesus left them)


Vs8 Ye of little (Disciples) Faith (discerning and walking in Spirit)

  1. Some was worried we have no bread. Vs7 ( a little leaven Vs6 sin)
  2. Fix your eyes on eternal lest you be blind with self-righteousness and self-indulgence because we are so focused on temporal matters.


The Spirit Reveals

  1. Vs. 15 but you, “he asked them, “Who do you say that I am? Vs16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God. Vs14 & 15 Who do you say that I am? Flesh and blood did not reveal this to you.



Take up your Cross 24X7

  1. Vs26 for what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?


No Zoom Bible Study Today 02/14/24
Happy Valentines Day


Zoom Bible Study
And why we should repent!


***Why Repent: Because only deep repentance (2 Chronicles 7:14) before a Holy God with fervent prayer and fasting will bring us back to a Holy God. (Hosea 10:12, Your Sins are before you even from the days of your youth). Ps. 139:78

  1. 5:15-20 confess your sins to one another and pray for one another (Elijah prayed no rain). Phenomenal Spiritual Power: I John 3:3 Heb 12:14. We see the Love of God and Joy.


Lent: Is a time of repentance, 40 days are set aside to praise, fasting, and worship the Lord; to read the Bible more and to pray more often. We are looking for a deeper intimacy with the Lord. This season of reflection and selfdiscipline involes practice such as abstaining from certain indulgences a deeper spiritual connection and commemorating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Lent Feb 20th - March 29th


In spite of all that Satan is doing, we still serve the God who can shake nations. He is the God of all hope when we have a repent life. I am convinced a serious return to repent and holiness is the very heart of our powerful prayer.

Unfortunately, today we have too many Christians highly program churches that are in need of deep spiritual cleansing, which is ignored entirely or just quickly glossed over in a surface manner. As a result, God people are unaware of the unconfused sins that deeply quench Christ’s full power (Holy Spirit) in their lives.

Do you ask yourself, “if God is so mightily at work, why am I not experiencing His mighty presence and power? Why are other my friends other churches, seeing such phenomenal moves of the Spirit and yet we/I am not? God definitely wants to move in your life and the church!

  • Isaiah 59:1-2 is a key requirement for experiencing God’s power in your life and the church. Behold the Lord’s ear is not too deaf to hear. 2. But your iniquities are separating you from your God and your sins have hidden his face from you. So that he does not listen.
  • If methods and promotion alone could bring a powfull church and this generation would have the biggest revival in the world today. We go and attend many!


ZOOM BIBLE STUDY (Church)  02/28/2024
Spiritual Warfare
The Battle For God's Glory